House MD Home :: Minutia on the First Season
By SciFiGeekNJ :: SciFiGeekNJ@housemd-guide.com
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Vicodin Usage Summary Season 1 :: Vicodin Usage Summary Season 2
01.01 Pilot
With orange guy (shares)The Clinic:
Orange Guy
Boy with asthma
Chronic Fatigue GuyHouse Moments:
House and the ducklings. "Mad Zebra."
House and Cuddy. "I call back. Sometimes I misdial."
House and Cuddy "People used to have more respect for cripples."The Cane boss, the Cane:
Wilson grabs House's Cane to stop him from getting on the elevator. (Unaired pilot.)
House asks Cuddy if she is going to grab his Cane to stop him from leaving.Hey did you notice...
House is not wearing jeans in this episode.
House first mentions watching General Hospital.01.02 Paternity
During infected knee Guy's exam (shares)The Clinic:
Young mother and her baby. (No Vaccinations)
Infected knee Guy (lawsuit guy)House Moments:
When House just sits in the chair waiting for the answering machine to pick up.
The running gag with the Cuddy's tennis outfit and the hooker.The Cane boss, the Cane:
Gets slammed down on Cuddy's desk.Hey did you notice...
House is sucking on a lollipop.
The way House's pronounces ophthalmologist, a lot of folks online thought it strange, yet in Mob Rules when Cuddy say's ophthalmology the pronunciation is pretty darn close to the same.
First time we see House's piano. (The phone he doesn't answer is on the bench.)
When House is at home there is an ashtray full of cigar's on the table next to him.
House first mentions hookers.01.03 Occam's Razor
In the lab when the ducklings are running gels.
In his office after the gout medication.
After leaving MP3 guy.The Clinic:
Girl about to get fired.
Sore Throat guy.
Lady with a sore leg.
Guy with the MP3 player.House Moments:
House to the waiting room: "Hello, sick people and their loved ones!"
House to Foreman: "I think your tie is ugly."
House and Cuddy: When he calls Cuddy in for a consult on sore throat guy.
House to Cameron: "Dogs should stop licking themselves..."
House and Wilson: "Smugness instead of highlights."The Cane boss, the Cane:
Nothing special happened with the cane.Hey did you notice...
In the two previous episodes House shares his Vicodin, this one he announces to the people in the clinic that they can't have any.01.04 Maternity
House did not take any Vicodin in this episode.The Clinic:
Lady with the parasite.
House Moments:
In the Oncology lounge.
House and Cuddy: This is why I don't waste money on shrinks.
House and Clinic patient: You have a parasite....The Cane boss, the Cane:
Gets handed to CameronHey did you notice...
Absolutely no one believed House's diagnosis.
When House does the autopsy on the baby the date was December 2nd, 2004. Later when he's OB/GYN lounge again he says he's performing a delivery on a patient who's prenatal he's been handling. She's due in late March, that's supposedly 5 months from now. The timeline doesn't work.01.05 Damned If You Do
When he enters the exam room and sees the 3 nuns.
In the hallway outside the clean room after the nun has another allergic reaction.Clinic:
Three nuns.
Santa Claus.
House Moments:
House flicking papers at Wilson and Cuddy in the clinic.
House, the ducklings and the candy canes. "Are you mocking me?"
House, Cuddy and the Ducklings: "So, there I was in the clinic, drunk..."
House and Cameron: When she gives him a Christmas present.
Silent Night on piano.The Cane boss, the Cane:
Gets left outside the clean room.Hey did you notice...
When the nun goes into cardiac arrest and House is listening to her heart. Sometimes the stethoscope is in his ears sometimes it's not.
In the ending montage Cameron finds and opens a Christmas present. (Is it from House?)01.06 The Socratic Method
House did not take any vicodin this episode.
The Clinic:
Mom who want to teach her daughter the dangers of sugar.
Guy with hiccups.
House Moments:
In the ER waiting room. "Own my own stethoscope."
The running theme of his (and other peoples) birthday.
Everyone's reaction of House talking to a patient.
House and Cuddy: "Love the outfit..."
House and Cuddy: When she follows him into the men's room.
Playing the piano, first the classical piece and then Happy Birthday.The Cane boss, the Cane:
Telling Luke that he has a cane and he knows how to use it.
Cuddy's comment that House's big cane is real subtle.
Gets hung up on the urinal wall.Hey did you notice...
The Nurse that House annoys. When House and Wilson are discussing why he's so interested in this case.
This is the first time Houses has a Rueben.01.07 Fidelity
House did not take any vicodin this episode.The Clinic:
Lady with shortness of breath and silicon.
House Moments:
When Cameron is trying to get House to take the case.
The ongoing scenes between House, Wilson and Cuddy about the clinic patient with the "Heart of Silicon."
When Wilson and House are discussing being faithful in a relationship.
When House and Cameron talk while she is fixing the centrifuge.The Cane boss, the Cane:
Nothing special happened with the cane..Hey did you notice...
The first mention of Wilson being married a few times and his possible infidelities.
House hands Cameron his beeper after it goes off.01.08 Poison
When Forman brings the case to House.
The Clinic:
82 yr old woman who feels good.
House Moments:
House and Forman: When Foreman tries to convince House to take the case. "That's how Calculus presents."
All of House and Georgia's scenes together.
The running theme of House and Foreman being so alike and having the same shoes.
Georgia's poem read by Wilson.
House and Chase: After he removes Chase as primary after the mother complains to Cuddy "She went to the principal"
The Cane boss, the Cane:
Cameron jokes that they should chip in and by Foreman a nice Cane.
Twirls it while talking to Wilson about washing new clothes.Hey did you notice...
Nothing of note.01.09 DNR
Talking to Giles after he has been discharged.
The Clinic:
Diabetic who wants the little blue pills.
House Moments:
House and Cuddy: "There's no I in Team, there is a me though if you jumble it up."
Laying on the floor listening to music.
Any part of the House in court scenes.
House, Wilson and Hamilton: "Say "hi" to my friend, Jimmy."
The Cane boss, the Cane:
House is playing with it when Foreman is running the meeting.
House hands/shoves it into Chase's hands when he goes to tube Giles.
Tosses it on Giles bed before he wheels him out of the room.Hey did you notice...
Foreman is lefty, you can tell when he is writing on the board.
When House gets served the papers, he immediately hands them off to Cameron.01.10 Histories
After Cuddy drops the students off with House.
The Clinic:
House did not see any clinic patients this episode.
But he almost saw the little ones who were licking each other again, and Harry who had a seeping wart on his extra toe.House Moments:
House, Wilson and the Ducklings: Going through Victoria's bag.
House, Wilson and the Ducklings: Interpreting Victoria's art.
House and Cuddy: The fake sneezes once in the clinic once with the students.
House and Wilson: The fake page/hiding in the clinic. "Why can't both be true?"
House and students: The state the obvious contest.The Cane boss, the Cane:
Holds it up for the Korsakoff patient to see the second time he goes into her room, so she uses that as part of her story.Hey did you notice...
The house that the rave party was held is Victoria's old house.01.11 Detox
Before he's challenged to quit for a week.
Implied at the end but you don't see him take it.The Clinic:
House did not see any clinic patients this episode.
House Moments:
The whole episode is a House Moment but....
House, Cuddy, Cameron and the pharmacist: When House is trying to get his prescription and Cameron is trying to get him to take the case.
House and Cuddy: When they make the kicking vicodin for a week bet. "Your on mister."
House, Wilson and the Ducklings: When they're in the meeting and House notices the masseuse stretching in his office. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention"
House and Foreman: When Foreman gives House the vicodin. Not just the dialog but House deciding if he is going to take a pill or not.
House and the pestle: When House smashes his hand.The Cane boss, the Cane:
Gets slammed on the table when Wilson and House are discussing that he's changed.Hey did you notice...
When the masseuse speaks Spanish House doesn't understand, but in Fidelity he read a medical article in Portuguese (it's not that different a language.) Then in Humpty Dumpty he speaks Spanish to Diego's mom.
When House smashes his hand the table/tabletop is metal. Every other episode the top is glass.01.12 Sports Medicine
After putting Wiggen on Lupron.
The Clinic:
Carol with leg trouble.
Dude with no contacts.
College student.
House Moments:
House and the Ducklings: Diagnosing Hank. "The next knitting injury that comes in..."
House, the Duckling and the Wiggen's: "Hypogonadism. Isn't that a great word?"
House and Cuddy: Trying to explain why he put Hank on Lupron. "3 reasons why..."
House and Cameron: When he asks her to go to the Monster truck show. "Exactly, except for the date part."
House and Wilson: Discussing Wilson lying to him. "Stacy the stripper..."
House and the Duckling: Discussing Sharon the drug rep. "She's sleeping with one of you..."
The Cane boss, the Cane:
House uses a different cane while at the Monster Truck show.Hey did you notice...
Bryan Singer makes a cameo as the director of Hank Wiggen's anti-drug video.
When House leaves the clinic on his way out to pick up the tickets, the exam room he leaves has a patient in it and she's crying.
House asks for coffee black with no sugar, in other episodes he's put sugar in his coffee.
House sits down and just starts eating off of Sharon's plate in front of him...possibly a Caesar salad.
The State of New Jersey has a disproportionate number of New York Yankee fan's. Yet no one at Princeton-Plainsboro seems to be a fan of them.01.13 Cursed
When Cuddy is trying to convince House to take the case.
When the father comes to his office.
Talking to Chase.The Clinic:
House technically did not see any clinic patients this episode, but he diagnoses Chase's patient who's watch is on too tight.
House Moments:
House and Cuddy: Cuddy is trying to get him to take the case. "Were you scared?"
House and Wilson: When House first wants to talk to Wilson about Chase's father. "Urgent doctor stuff..."
House and Jeffrey: Gabe's dad come to confront House about not doing enough for his son. "Fascinating story. You thought about adapting it for the stage?"
House and Gabe's Family: When he figures out that Jeffrey did not have Carpal Tunnel. "The little ones call me uncle Greg."The Cane boss, the Cane:
Gets handed to Chase when House goes to look in the microscope.Hey did you notice...
They make mention of House not having clinic duty, nice bit of continuance.
This is the first (only?) episode that does not end with a scene or montage that House is in.01.14 Control
Pill toss after he asks Wilson to do a bone scan on Carly .
The Clinic:
Ricky and his dumb dad.
Ricky's dumb dad when House give him a needle in the neck.
Ricky's dumb dad when he comes back and blinks.
House Moments:
House and the Duckling: During the differential diagnosis of Carly. "Who da man? I da man. I always suspected."
House and Cuddy : When she tries to get him to wear his lab coat. "I need two day's of outrageous sex with someone obscenely younger than you."
House diagnosing Carly before getting the test results back.
House in front of the transplant committee: Cuddy is questioning House about the patient. "You don't have hunches. You know."
House playing air keyboard/piano to Baba O'Riley by The Who!The Cane boss, the Cane:
Gets twirled when House is looking over the white board.Hey did you notice...
House has been through three regime changes at Princeton-Plainsboro.01.15 Mob Rules
In Cuddy's office when they are discussing Vogler and the Diagnostic Department.
The Clinic:
Brothers in the clinic 1 - removes the policeman.
Brothers in the clinic 2 - removes the fireman.
Brothers in the clinic 3 - removes the fire truck and the cat.
House Moments:
House, Cuddy and Vogler: When House barges in complaining about the fed's making him take a case. "Jail, you'd like that. No more naughty schoolgirl."
House and Bill: Bill is talking/threatening House "Brother in the Mafia?"
House and the Ducklings: House doesn't want to release Joey. "That's a catchy diagnosis you can dance to that."
House and Wilson: When House receives the graft..er car. "I'm screwed, gotta take the car."
When House walks into Cuddy's office in his lab coat.The Cane boss, the Cane:
Gets hung up on the white board.Hey did you notice...
Cuddy's pronunciation of ophthalmology is pretty darn close to House's pronunciation of ophthalmologist in Paternity.
When Joey is brought into the ER, the paramedic say's 35 year old male, later on when House and the ducklings are talking in the lab they say he's 30 years old.
When House first receives the car, he say's it's a 1965 Corvette, later when he's riding with Wilson he calls it a '66.01.16 Heavy
In his office when Forman confronts him.
In his office when Cameron confronts him.
The Clinic:
Pierced scrotum.
Woman with heartburn.
Heartburn woman with tumor.
Heartburn/tumor woman's husband.
Heartburn/tumor woman.
House Moments:
House and Heartburn lady: "Like a thesaurus?"
Wilson and House on the lunch line." Chase, well I can grab his ass too."
House to Heartburn /Tumor Lady: "You wear a bikini now?"The Cane boss, the Cane:
Nothing special happened with the cane..Hey did you notice...
When the ducklings meet with Jessica after her surgery, she has already lost a lot of weight. Implying that a fair amount of time has passed. Yet all three ducklings came and met her, so obviously no one got fired.01.17 Role Model
While "examining" the Senator.
At the lunch meeting outside.
Implied he took a few before his speech.
The Clinic:
Woman with immaculate conception.
Woman with hickey.
Woman with rug burn.
Woman finds out she sleepwalks.
House Moments:
Afternoon delight, she just loves the hardwood.
House to Cuddy: "I'm a very high-strung little lapdog."The Cane boss, the Cane:
Gets held up in the air to imply hardwood.Hey did you notice...
The nurse that House tells that Cuddy likes the hardwood is Annoyed Nurse.
House is playing High Hopes on piano when Cameron comes to quite.01.18 Babies & Bathwater
In exam room when discussing Cameron's quitting.
When Wilson tells him about the board meeting.
The Clinic:
Vegan baby with pneumonia.
House Moments:
House to 2 ducklings: "Internet Porn. If I log on romance will ensue."
In Wilson's office while he's packing. "She only has thighs for me."The Cane boss, the Cane:
I don't know where House left it but it does not make it into the OR, nor to the waiting room where the husband is waiting.
Cuddy asks if Vogler greased Houses Cane.
House is leaning on it while waiting for Cuddy to show up.Hey did you notice...
In Houses dream, he walks without his Cane or a limp.
House is looking for sugar in the diagnostic office.
When House is in Wilson's office he keeps unpacking what Wilson is packing.
The obstetrician in this episode, is the same doctor from Maternity.01.19 Kids
Interviewing Dr. Spain.
Interviewing Dr. Petra Gilmar.
The Clinic:
House did not see any clinic patients this episode.
House Moments:
House and Wilson avoiding Cuddy: "Right rudder. Bank, bank, bank!"
Holding chart in front of Cuddy. "Trying to think of anything but he produce department at Whole Foods."
House to a kid using the bathroom he Chase and Foreman are using to hide from Cuddy: "Are you having a bowel movement or a baby?"The Cane boss, the Cane:
The Cane has been replaced with a more slimming Cane.
House uses it to knock on Cameron's door, twice.
Used to turn on the faucet in the bathroom for Bowel Movement Boy.Hey did you notice...
The last patient Foreman sees before House takes him to work on Mary, (which he gives a clean bill of health too) is the same patient that Cuddy is seeing when House tells her he needs an operating room and a surgeon..
After Cuddy came into the bathroom looking for House in The Socratic Method, why would he think that using the bathroom for a conference was safe from Cuddy?01.20 Love Hurts
With Romona.
The Clinic:
Some Guy.
70'ish woman Romona .
House Moments:
In Clinic with Some Guy and Wilson. "And learn how to harmonize"
House and the ducklings: When House used the Magic 8-ball."Oh great pool hall oracle..."
House and Wilson: When House is getting ready for his date with Cameron.The Cane boss, the Cane:
Nothing special happened with the cane..Hey did you notice...
This is the first time that House actually wears a suit, not just a jacket and a tie.
At the end of the episode House is listening to a record in his office, the song we hear is Some Devil by Dave Mathews. Which is a fairly recent album and probably not available on vinyl.01.21 Three Stories
After late 30's man comes back.
The Clinic:
House did not see any clinic patients this episode.
House Moments:
House and Cuddy: When Cuddy is trying to get House to do the lecture.
The entire lecture start to finish.
Oh and every flash back scene too.The Cane boss, the Cane:
House is leaning on/playing with the Cane just before he starts the lecture.Hey did you notice...
House call's Stacy sweetheart, when she is trying to talk him into the amputation.
Cuddy is wearing slacks in the flashbacks. Cuddy is always in a dress or a skirt.01.22 Honeymoon
With the duckling going over Mark's surgery film
Final scene after he tries to walk normally.
The Clinic:
House did not see any clinic patients this episode.
House Moments:
House and Stacy: While they are waiting for Mark to show up. "He likes to see..."
House to Cameron: "That's her Indian Name..."
House and the Ducklings: "Pay no attention to the suspiciously empty bottle."
House and Stacy on the roof.
House and Stacy in Houses Office: "You were the one, always will be."The Cane boss, the Cane:
House taps his can on the floor while talking to Stacy.
Gets variously fiddled with as House things, he twirls it, plays with the blinds and lays it across his shoulders.
Gets tossed on the couch before House tries to walk.Hey did you notice...
When House is wheeling his pilfered monitor he does not have his cane. He's using the stand to walk with but how did he get there if he didn't have his cane? Or how will he get his cane back if he left it where he got the monitor?
The ending song of You Can't Always Get What You Want, is a nice bookend from the first Episode. It's the song he quoted to Cuddy when she wanted him to start working the clinic.
Quotations, etc. Copyright Heel & Toe Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, et al.
Pictures from the show copyright Fox Broadcasting Corporation
Questions, Comments (remember we are not related to the show): bewarne@housemd-guide.com![]()
And if you are in Europe:
See The New York Times article about the FitBit.![]()
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