- April 6, 2009
 Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) and House (Hugh Laurie) in the HOUSE episode "Simple Explanation" airing April 6 (8-9 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2009 FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY Credits: Adam Taylor/FOX |
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- Written by
- Leonard Dick
- Directed by
- Greg Yaitanes
- Music during funeral, patient's death, Taub crying, and House still searching:
- Timeline
- Right after previous episode.
- Patients/Mysteries of the Week:
- In the order they appear
- Mystery/Patient #1: Charlotte, who has cared for her husband and collapses with acute respiratory failure just as he is about to die.
- Mystery/Patient #2: Eddie, who is dying of lung cancer related heart failure, gets better as his wife gets worse.
- Mystery #3: Kutner's suicide. House focuses on this.
- How House gets involved:
- Charlotte: Taub shows House the file as he gets in to work
- Eddie: Taub brings in Eddie to help Charlotte.
- Kutner: When he doesn't show up for work, House sends Foreman and Thirteen to find him and they find him dead of a gunshot to the right temple and tell House.
- The Privacy Invasion / Ethical Breach / Insanity
- 1) Telling the parents it was their fault Kutner committed suicide, 2) Getting into Kutner's email account, and 3) Breaking in to Kutner's apartment.
- Preliminary diagnoses/conclusions:
- Charlotte: After trying treatment for several things, When no diagnosis works, House decides she must be faking and she admits to faking some but then has visible problems including a ruptured spleen while getting an MRI. That leads to Chase seeing a scarred liver.
- Eddie: House accepts the diagnoses of previous doctors because he is focused on Kutner and not his patients but he sends Cameron to talk to Eddie and she noticed nodules on his hands and suspects his heart failure may be caused by something other than lung cancer.
- Kutner: House comes up with the following preliminary ideas:
- House first decides his team is the culprit for not seeing it coming.
- Second diagnosis told to Kutner's parents: "It was his name. He was conflicted. Didn't know where he fit in. Being ripped out his world an stuck into yours." Later he tells his team, "I was wrong about the ethnic reason."
- Then he decides Kutner was a pervert since House finds he had been "charged with indecent exposure." Cuddy had tracked this down before hiring him and tells House, "Kutner streaked at the Penn-Dartmouth football game."
- When he can't figure out what caused Kutner's suicide, House then decides, "He didn't kill himself, he was murdered." But he later lets go of that comforting idea.
- House decides the guy who killed Kutner's parents killed him, but he hasn't been released from prison yet. But since he was going to be released, maybe Kutner was upset at that. But it turns out this guy died two months ago.
- The final diagnoses/conclusions
- Charlotte: Visceral leishmaniasis caused by sand fleas from Rio --- she had told them she went to Hawaii.
- Eddie: Fungus (blastomycosis) that caused lung nodules which all previous doctors had mistaken for cancer.
- Kutner: At the end House is still searching for a conclusion.
- Clinic Patients
- Little girl, who drank some of her mother's mouthwash before a children's beauty pageant.
- Additional Information:
House (Hugh Laurie) and the team treat Charlotte (guest star Colleen Camp), whose condition worsens as her husband's (guest star Meat Loaf) improves in the HOUSE episode "Simple Explanation" airing Monday, April 6 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2009 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Adam Taylor/FOX
Credit: Adam Taylor/FOX |
| | - Additional Resources
Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase; Peter Jacobson as Dr. Chris Taub; Kal Penn as Dr. Lawrence Kutner; Olivia Wilde as Thirteen
Guest Cast: Meat Loaf Aday as Eddie; Colleen Camp as Charlotte; Mary Jo Deschanel as Julia; Ed Brigadier as Richard; Hart Boykin as Arthur; Bob Rusch as Phil; Debbie Campbell as Katherine; Taylor Hardwick as Rosabel; Liz Benoit as Nurse Anne; Bobbin Bergstrom as Nurse
- Quotes, Quotations, Dialogue, Scenes:
Click picture above for all House shirts
| Wilson is in a state where he doesn't want to deal with House but Cuddy insists he does and he finally finds House in Kutner's apartment searching for answers. Wilson has doubts that they should be where they are. "For the record I'm uncomfortable violating a dead colleague's dignity."
"It's only violating if you find something. Good to see you."
"What are we looking for?"
"He was hiding. Why?"
"Shame? Fear? Are you okay? It's okay not to be okay."
"Colonial Warrior Blaster Number One One. He spent months tracking this down. He had passions."
"He was obviously in pain. Does it really matter why?"
Looking at a frame in which Kutner had pictures of his two sets of patents, House says, "He hung the bad with the good. His loss beside a reminder of what he'd gained. Means he was open about the pain. Should mean if it got worse, he had no reason to hide it."
"Here's how we're gonna hanle this, House, we're gonna leave here and go to the closest bar.... Sound like a plan?"
House ignores him. "What am I missing?" House notices that Wilson has a look of understanding on his face. "You've got that look. You figured this out."
Wilson shakes his head. "You're not here because you care about Kutner. You're here because it's a mystery.you're here for the puzzle."
"What if I didn't miss anything 'cause there's nothing to miss? He didn't kill himself. He was murdered."
Wilson gives up and walks out.
- Wilson goes to House later."I was wrong about you."
"No, you weren't."
"You're in pain."
"And you're romanizing— again."
"You worked with him every day for two years and you never saw this coming."
"No one saw it coming."
"But you see everything coming. This has never been about what you missed. This is about why you missed it. You're terrified that you're losing your gift. Losing — who you are. And I'm terrified of what you'd do then."
"Unless you feel there's more to do here to cure me, don't you have a funeral to go to." House isn't going to the funeral but he goes back to Kutner's apartment to continue looking for the clues he has missed.