- March 30, 2009
 As this photo indicates, the episode was partially shot from the perspective of the patient. House (Hugh Laurie) is intrigued by Lee, a patient diagnosed with "locked-in" syndrome whose unique perspective on the team lends insight into their not-so-transparent relationships in the HOUSE episode "Locked In" airing Monday, March 23 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2009 FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY Credits: Adam Taylor/FOX |
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- Written by
- Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner & David Foster
- Directed by
- Dan Attias
- Music
- Timeline
- Soon after the previous ("Here Kitty") episode when Taub almost quit and now House isn't sure he wants him back.
- Patient of the Week:
- Lee, who was in a bicycle accident caused because his brain wasn't able to make his body put on the brakes.
- How House gets involved:
- House is in the Emergency Room of another hospital, having been in a motorcycle accident. In the next bed is the patient.
- The privacy invasion / ethical breach / Rule Breaking
- House steals forms that allow him to order an MRI in a hospital to which he is not allowed to practice without some official sanction. Taub steals the credit for diagnosing the patient. Wilson steals House's cell phone.
- Preliminary diagnoses:
- House thinks he sees a lesion which others cannot see on an MRI done by his team. House claims it is cancer causing a paraneoplastic syndrome. Later they do a biopsy of the brain but that makes the patient worse (of course). Then Kutner finds evidence that it is heavy metal poisoning. As they are going to treat for that, Kutner figures out what it really is.
- The final diagnosis
- Kutner, who visited some of the places the patient had been spending time, notices that Thirteen isn't wearing a bracelet that Foreman gave her. She says the bracelet was sprayed with the patient's urine so she didn't want to wear it to work. Kutner notices that she now has a rash on the wrist she had wore the bracelet on and decides the patient picked up Leptospirosis from rat urine and passed enough of it to her to cause the rash. The patient's recovery isn't fast but he can soon move his finger.
- Clinic Patients
- None.
- Additional Information:
- House offers several reasons for him being out of town in Middletown where he had the accident. They are:
- To Thirteen in the hospital in Middletown: "Buying a Gibson '57 Goldtop It's the guitar Duane Allman used to play."
- To Cuddy: "Antiquing. Found you a late Victorian corset. Come by later and I'll tie you up."
- To Wilson after trying the guitar story on him, "I went to visit your ex-ex-ex wife.... I let her know about the extra money you're making on the lecture circuit so she'll be sure to adjust your alimony."
- When that doesn't work, he next tells Wilson he was going to visit Foreman's brother in the prison near his accident site.
- His third attempt to divert Wilson was "I was checking out your dirty little secret. How long have you been sleeping with her?"
- The final reveal is in the last scene reported below.
Kutner (Kal Penn, L), Thirteen (Olivia Wilde, C) and Taub (Peter Jacobson, R) treat a patient (guest star Mos Def) who is diagnosed with "locked-in" syndrome in the HOUSE episode "Locked In" airing Monday, March 23 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Adam Taylor/FOX |
| - Additional Resources
Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase; Peter Jacobson as Dr. Chris Taub; Kal Penn as Dr. Lawrence Kutner; Olivia Wilde as Thirteen
Guest Cast: Mos Def as Lee; Faune Chambers as Molly; John Kapelos as Dr. Kurtz; Scotty Noyd Jr. as Drake; Skye Barrett as Jolie; Bobbin Berstrom as Nurse
- Quotes, Quotations, Dialogue, Scenes:
- House is stuck in the hospital (although he doesn't seem to be damaged enough to require more than a few hours in the Emergency Room) with this patient whose doctor first considers him brain dead and when House proves to him that the patient is really suffering from locked in syndrome then thinks he should get used to his condition as it will be permanent. So House calls on Thirteen, Kutner and Foreman and when they arrives tells the patient, "If you can't bring Mohammed to Princeton, bring Princeton to Mohammed. My diagnostics posse: Hot, Dark and Darker...."
Thirteen asks House "What are you doing up in Middletown?"
- House tells the patient, why he is bothering to treat another doctor's patient: "You're kind of fascinating. So many questions. But if you could answer any of them, you wouldn't be fascinating.... You're a good guy. Easy to talk to." House gets his way (as usual) and the patient is transported to Princeton Plainsboro Hospital.
- House called on Foreman, Kutner and Thirteen and later Taub tells him, "Sorry I didn't show up in Middletown. I didn't get the message."
"Probably because there was no message. I've decided to accept your resignation."
"Uh. I thought we were past this. I decided to stay."
"No, you didn't. You had it decided for you. So now you're stuck here with a boss who knows you want to be somewhere else which means you're no longer motivated to impress me. Which means you're no longer motivated to come up with good ideas. Unless I'm wrong." Then he leans closer to Taub and refers to the NBC show "Heroes" while nodding at the new patient, "Save the Cheerleader, Save your world."
- Later Taub forcefully strides into House's office to tell him, "I want to keep my job."
"Great. All you've got to do is come up with a good idea."
Taub thinks he has already done that. "How about we hook the guy's brain to a computer so he can communicate."
"That's a great idea. For the guy who invented the computer that can read minds. Your idea was to use his idea."
"You didn't come up with it. No one else came up with it. If I didn't reestablish communication, we never would have found—"
House interrupts and after arguing more with House, Taub admits, "I realized that what we do here terrifies me --- and overcoming that is the only way I can matter."
"Kutner found the battery factory. Kutner came up with the cadmium. Maybe you don't matter."
Click picture above for all House shirts
| House joins Kutner and Taub in the locker room at the end of the day. "Rat pee. Very nice idea. Who came up with it?"
Taub says, "I did." Kutner, whose idea it was, nods his approval at him with his back to House.
House says, "Good."
Taub leaves and House asks Kutner, "You okay with him claiming the credit?"
"It was his idea. He saw the rash—"
"If he did, he'd have hug a 'Mission Accomplished' banner in my outer office."
"Don't toy with him. If you're going to fire him—"
"The fact that he stole your idea means he cares enough to lie. That's all I needed to know. Tat pee. That's a very nice idea."
Wilson joins House in the corridor and hands him his cell phone. "House. You left this in my office."
"No, I didn't. So either I have a hole in my pocket—"
"Oh, that's right. I stole it. Because if you had gone up there to check out my girlfriend, you wouldn't have come back here and lied to me about it, you would have thrown it right in my face."
"You underestimate the entertainment value of your obsessions."
"And then there were all those calls you weren't taking in front of me. So, I dialed the number of the calls you weren't taking. You're seeing a psychiatrist."
House walks off to go to the patient's room where he tells Wilson, while reaching under the patient's pillow for a recorder, "You had no right to invade my privacy."
"Is that—"
"Yeah, it's irony." House says, referring to the reveal that he has been invading everyone else's privacy.
The patient smiles up at him and says, "God sent you."
"Suddenly you aren't so fascinating."
As they leave Wilson is still on the recorder. "You're spying on your team."
"Prioritize Wilson. Is that really what you want to torture me about right now?"
"I don't want to torture you at all. I think this is a great thing. Not something you have to drive an hour out of town to shroud in mystery."
"Whining on someone's couch. That's an excellent use of my time. Maybe I'll discover that my childhood wasn't perfect."
"So, your attitude about therapy clearly hasn't changed. And yet you went. Which leads me to believe that something else has changed. Maybe you think you can change. I credit Cuddy with that."
"Not much credit to take because I'm not going back."
"Oh, House, please. I assume you went because you're tired of screwing up every chance you get at happiness."
Clicking keys on his cell phone, House says, "Delete contact."
"Do not let the fact that I found out about it—"
"Don't beat yourself up. I'm not going back because it doesn't work."
As House gets into the elevator to leave, Wilson has a parting shot. "You'll end up alone."