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    Kutner and Kal Penn

April 8, 2009 - Interview with Kal Penn with more details about his new job.
April 7, 2009 - Ausiello Exclusiive reports:
"Kal Penn has left the show for good.... He asked to go.... I was incredibly honored a couple of months ago to get the opportunity to go work in the White House. I got to know the President and some of the staff during the campaign and had expressed interest in working there, so I'm going to be the associate director in the White House office of public liaison. They do outreach with the American public and with different organizations. They're basically the front door of the White House."

Katie Jacobs said they knew Penn was considering a career change "And then we took a writers retreat right at the beginning of December and David sort of had this 'A-ha' moment about how to both free Kal up to pursue other things and, most importantly, service where David wants to go at the end of the season with House's story."

See more at the above link.
April 7, 2009 - Interview with Kal Penn with more details about new job.
The April 20 print issue of Newsweek magazine has Kal Penn under Newsmakers with questions and answers on page 63.

Thanks to Hunter for sending us a link to the following video


Quotations, etc. Copyright Heel & Toe Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, et al.
Pictures from the show copyright Fox Broadcasting Corporation
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