House (Hugh Laurie) finds himself in the hospital chapel with the husband (Omar Avila) of his patient in the HOUSE season finale episode "Human Error" airing Tuesday, May 29 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Isabella Vosmikova/FOX. |
- May 29, 2007 (Season Three Finale - Last Episode Until Fall of 2007)
- Written by
- Thomas L. Moran & Lawrence Kaplow
- Directed by
- Katie Jacobs
- The DVD for The Third Season (of which this is the finale):
- Pre-Orders of the Third Season DVDs are now possible from at 35% discount
- Music:
- Timeline
- It's a Monday. Three weeks after Foreman said he was quiting at the end of Family.
- How House gets involved:
- The patient's husband looks up House and the couple gets permission to to get his opinion.
- The patient of the week:
- Marina Hernandez, a Cuban woman "with ten different things wrong with her". She and her husband had permission to come to see Dr. House but the motor on their boat died and they had to be rescued at sea and they lost all their medical records.
- The mis-diagnoses
- Foreman thinks she has MS (the husband is sure that is wrong), then when Foreman moves her wrist, the bone breaks which leads to other possibilities and House orders a cardiac catheterization. The patient's heart stops and they put her on by-pass until House gives up hope. But when they take her off by-pass, her heart is beating. House then finds a problem with her heart which can be repaired.
- The privacy invasion / ethical breach
- Not sure there was any, except maybe firing Chase for no reason - if he is ready to go, then arrange for him to go, don't "fire" him and push him out the door in the middle of a case.
- The final diagnosis
- A third ostium: "She has one... two... third ostium.... All the third one's doing is causing inflammation, throwing off clots..."
- Who figures out other things?
- Chase (after he was fired) saw the hot spot that Cameron and Foreman missed.
- The clinic patient(s)
- None
- Other things going on
- It is Foreman's last day.
- House fires Chase.
- Cameron quits
When a patient flatlines during a simple procedure, House (Hugh Laurie) finds himself in the operating room trying to save her life in the HOUSE season finale episode "Human Error" airing Tuesday, May 29 (9-10 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Isabella Vosmikova/FOX. |
- Additional Info on "Human Error":
Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase
Guest Cast: Mercedes Renard as Marina; Omar Avila as Esteban; Stephen Markle as Dr. Gooding
- Quotes, Quotations, Dialogue:
Dr. Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) and Dr. Foreman (Omar Epps) confront House in the season finale episode "Human Error" airing Tuesday, May 29 (9-10 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Isabella Vosmikova/FOX. | When Wilson finds House sitting in disguise outside Foreman's going away party watching, Wilson says to him, "He really is going to leave. You know that, right? So, what are you going to do?"
"Nothing I can do.... He wants to not be me."
"Because he thinks you're a cold hearted bastard without any regard for anyone but yourself."
"He's right."
"You need to show him that you really do care." When House dismisses that Wilson tells him, "House, You play a guitar you got in ninth grade."
"You're living in the same apartment for 15 years. You drive a ten year old car. You are not good with change."
"That used to be true, but I've changed."
Wilson finally gives up arguing but as he stands up to leave, he says, "He's not afraid to be you. He's afraid to be what he thinks you are."
- The patient's husband complains to Chase that he wants House to treat his wife, "I came a thousand miles to see him!"
"He doesn't care. I'm sorry, but that's who he is, that's who you risked your life to see. And you made the right choice."
- Chase claims, "Foreman's not going anywhere."
"He said that to you?"
"He doesn't really want to leave, and you don't really want to let him. You'll cave, just like you did with Cameron."
"Foreman's not as easy as Cameron, but of course, who is?"
Cameron, lets them know, "I'm in the room."
Chase continues, "He may not want a date but he does want— something."
"Maybe it's something I can't offer."
"Then you'll just lie."
"He'd see through it."
"Maybe. Or maybe he'll just see what he wants to see."
 House (Hugh Laurie) searches for an explanation when a patient makes a unique recovery in the HOUSE season finale episode "Human Error" Tuesday, May 29 (9-10 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Isabella Vosmikova/FOX. | House tells Chase, "You're fired."
"Wh— why because I yelled at you?"
"Because you've been here the longest, learned all you can, or you haven't learned anything at all— either way, it's time for a change."
- Chase goes to say goodbye to Cameron and Foreman telling them, "House fired me."
Foreman is confused. "What?"
Cameron asks, "Because you yelled at him?"
"Time for a change was the official explanation."
She says, "It makes no sense."
"Since when does House make sense?" Foreman asks.
She insists, "He always makes sense."
"He's angry."
"Yes, it's all about you Foreman. He's upset you're leaving so he fires Chase."
- House complains, "How come God gets credit whenever something good happens? Where was he when her heart stopped? What if it wasn't human error? What if it was God's error? A congenital defect in an artery making it susceptible to inflammation. We need to do another angiogram."
- Foreman stops by to say goodbye to House as he leaves, "Well, this is it. I appreciate the opportunity you gave me."
"Didn't do it for you. Thought you were the best guy for the job."
"Thanks. I guess."
"Which is why I want you to stay." House takes a deep breath. "You're an important part of the team, I need you."
"I know. But I don't need you, and I definitely don't want to be you — You're miserable."
"I just solved a case by predicting a never-before-seen heart defect. Case you couldn't solve. Case you gave up on. I couldn't be happier."
"For two minutes maybe, until the next case comes along, until you're jonesing for your next fix. This woman talks while in full cardiac arrest and you're more excited about the talking than the heart dying."
"The two were connected."
"I don't want to solve cases, I want to save lives."
"Do you think she cares? Do you think the husband cares? Do you think the children she can now have because of me are going to care why I saved her?"
"I care."
"About yourself. About your own ego! ...You're the selfish bastard, not me."
- Cameron, the last of House's team, hands him a letter. He says, "Better be naked pictures."
"My resignation letter. I've gotten all I can from this job."
"What do you expect me to do? Break down and apologise? Beg Chase to come back?"
"No, I expect you to do what you always do. I expect you to make a joke and go on. I expect you to be just fine." Cameron puts a hand on House's arm. "I'll miss you." And then she walks out.
- See more quotes
- Cameron and Foreman
 Dr. Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) and Dr. Foreman (Omar Epps) confront House in the HOUSE season finale episode "Human Error" Tuesday, May 29 (9-10 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Isabella Vosmikova/FOX. |  Dr. Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) delivers some surprising news to House (Hugh Laurie) in the HOUSE season finale episode "Human Error" airing Tuesday, May 29 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Isabella Vosmikova/FOX. |
 Dr. Chase (Jesse Spencer) has an unexpected conversation with House on FOX.
Credit: Isabella Vosmikova/FOX. |
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For an Overview of the music in each episode of the third season, see our Third Season Music Overview page.