House (Hugh Laurie) and Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) debate the treatment of a patient in the HOUSE season three premiere episode "Meaning" airing Tuesday, Sept. 5 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Michael Yarish/FOX. |
- September 5, 2006
- Teleplay by
- Lawrence Kaplow & David Shore
- Story by:
- Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner & Lawrence Kaplow & David Shore
- Directed by:
- Deran Sarafian
- The patients of the week
- 1) Caren, a paralyzed woman with no sign of trauma to her limbs or spine, and 2) Richard McNeil, who drove his wheelchair into a pool.
- The mis-diagnoses
- House decides Caren is faking the paralyzes and the shortness of breath and to prove it, he first threatens to stick a huge needle in her chest and then he does it. Blood is building up around her heart. House insists on opening her up to find the tumor he then thinks must be there
- House orders an upper endoscopic ultrasound, Foreman objects that his throat will collapse and the patient almost died. Then House orders a procedure on the brain and Foreman tells him, that it will cause a bleed into Richard's brain and again the patient almost dies.
- The privacy invasion / ethical breach
- Cameron thinks House is too casual in his diagnoses as if he is doing them to amuse himself. And at the end House steals a prescription form from Wilson.
- The final diagnoses
- Scurvy - cured by orange juice.
- Addison's disease, relieved by Cortisol (although House is not told that his theory worked).
- The clinic patient(s)
- None.
- Information
- The man who shot House in the last episode has never been caught.
Dr. Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) and Dr. Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard) discuss a case in the HOUSE season three premiere episode "Meaning" airing Tuesday, Sept. 5 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Michael Yarish/FOX. |
Additional Information
Cast: Hugh Laurie as Dr. Gregory House; Lisa Edelstein as Dr. Lisa Cuddy; Omar Epps as Dr. Eric Foreman; Robert Sean Leonard as Dr. James Wilson; Jennifer Morrison as Dr. Allison Cameron; Jesse Spencer as Dr. Robert Chase.
Guest Cast: Kathleen Quinlan as Arlene; Edward Edwards as Richard; Carter Jenkins as Mark; Clare Kramer as Caren; Terry Rhoads as Artie; Eamon Hunt as Surgeon; Remy Thorne as Kid; Bobbin Bergstrom as Nurse
One piece of music in this episode was "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by the Rolling Stones. This is available on two albums "Forty Licks" and "Let It Bleed" you can listen to a sample of this song at Amazon's pages on these albums (click on the album title here and again at Amazon then go to the bottom of the next page to get a choice of which song to listen to). This song was also played in The Pilot and at the end of the First Season Finale episode, "Honeymoon". |
The song playing while House is jogging at the beginning is "Feel Good Inc." by Gorillaz which is available on the album "Demon Days". |
- Quotes
- Wilson: "You're fabricating a mystery because you're bored."
House: "I am not bored."
Wilson: "You didn't tell the wife it was only a grunt?"
House: "Of course not. Because then she would never have consented to a bunch of dangerous tests. I don't remember you being this bitchy."
Wilson: "The Vicodin dulled it. In the sober light of day, I'm a buzz-kill. You're giving false hope to a family that's been wrecked. Don't torture them. Let it go. Tell the wife it was only a grunt. Tell her to go home.
House: "I can't let her down like that. Pumped her up with too much false hope."
- Foreman (explaining why he is going through the case files thoroughly: "I'm happy we're doing this...."
Cameron: "You like wasting your time?"
Foreman: "I'm learning."
Cameron: "To do what? Reconsider solved cases because you don't want to deal with the real world? He's pushing, there's nothing."
Foreman: "Cameron, you are an excellent doctor. You'll get lots of tearful thank-yous from grateful patients."
Cameron: "Yeah, am I such a bitch for wanting that?"
Foreman: "Well, it's not a bad thing. But it's not why I'm here. I took this fellowship to learn from House.
Cameron: "He's teaching you to become a masochist."
- Cameron, to House about the diagnosis: "Stop it. You're enjoying this."
House: "I find it interesting."
Cameron: "It's interesting only if you're right. If you're wrong, we're torturing this guy to amuse you."
- House, to the team after he almost killed the patient twice: "Redo every blood test he's ever had. Re-scan his head."
Cameron, with certainty: "No. He's been sick and suffering for eight years. I'm not going to help you make it worse. I'm not going to help you make it interesting."
House: "That's okay. Foreman's better at that stuff than you are. We need five millimeter cuts..."
Foreman, after thinking for a moment: "No."
House looks at Chase, so does Cameron
Chase, after thinking about it for a bit: "How many millimeters?"
- House: "My leg hurt."
 2009 Calendar; Due Out July 1, 2008 |
Wilson: "How bad?"
House: "Enough that I'm telling you."
Wilson: "Did it go away?"
House: "Ached for a while. First time I've felt anything there since the surgery."
Wilson: "But it went away."
House: "It's muscular. There was some cramping. What are you smiling about?"
Wilson: "You're 40-something years old. You've been running God knows how many miles a day. Fallen a hundred times off that skateboard. And you're shocked to have some soreness?"
House: "Just give me a perscription."
Wilson: "For Vicodin? House, people get aching joints, cramps - they put on an ice pack, they take some ibuprofin."
House: "I know what the pangs of middle age feel like."
Wilson, interrupting: "No, you don't because you've been stuffing Vicodin every five minutes since you turned middle aged."
House: "The surgery didn't work."
Wilson: "Don't play me."
House: "You think this is a scam?"
Wilson: "I think you want me to feel sorry for you and either do the end-around on Cuddy or give you the drugs." [Wilson puts away his perscription pad] "Either way you get the high you think you need." [House starts to walk out] "House, your surgery worked. You're fine. It's just going to take time for it to feel good."