In the first season there were 22 episodes, two of which Cameron was absent for. We saw the team handle 21 cases, 23 if you include Three Stories (which I am here). Here's what the team had to show for it:
Patients treated: 27 Lives saved: 24 Maternity had four patients, Poison two patients and Three Stories two patients as well. The deaths occurred in Maternity, Histories and Babies and Bathwater; in the latter two cases the team diagnosed the patients before they died but the illness was incurable.
My conclusions: They're pretty equal overall. Chase delivered less final diagnoses but contributed more towards other people's diagnoses, a pattern that you'll see continue as I go into season two. He's a background character. Foreman, despite being lauded as the smartest, isn't significantly better than the others. Cameron has less total points but again, you'll see her improve in season two as well.
Initial Symptoms: Man with abdominal pain + mood changes Diagnosis: Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP) (House)
Contributions by Team House (3): Spots abdominal epilepsy, diagnosis for AIP, idea to trigger AIP attack to confirm diagnosis Chase (0): None Cameron (0): None Foreman (0): None
We're told that the Housepets treated two of the cases presented in this episode, the volleyball player and the farmer. The nature of the storytelling makes it impossible to properly evaluate the diagnostic process involved, so it will not be included in this analysis. I'm listing the diagnoses here purely for interest's sake.
The Farmer Initial Symptoms: Man with leg pain Diagnoses: Dog bite + Group-A Streptococcus necrotizing fasciitis
Notes: The impression from the episode is that House diagnosed this patient.
The Volleyball Player Initial Symptoms: Girl with leg pain Diagnosis: Thyroid disorder + osteosarcoma in leg (the thyroid disorder wasn't specified, but it sounds like hypothyroidism)
Notes: It appeared that Cameron diagnosed this patient.
Initial Symptoms: Man with teeth grinding + stroke Diagnosis: Osteomyelitis (infection of the jaw bone) (House)
Contributions by Team House (3): Notices metal plate in jaw on CT scan, realizes that patient is lying about parents being dead, diagnosis for osteomyelitis Chase (0): None Cameron (1): Knows that MRI cannot be done because of metal plate in jaw Foreman (0): None
Notes: Chase gets an error for not telling the team that the patient was into BSDM. It's certainly understandable that he wouldn't want to admit knowing that, but it was medically relevant because it was the source of his patient's injury and ultimately of his infection. House gets credit for locating the patient's parents because he needed their consent for surgery.
Initial Symptoms: Girl with fever + neck pain + rash Diagnosis: Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) from pregnancy (House) Contributions by Team House (2): Realizes that patient may be pregnant, diagnosis for TTP Chase (1): Idea to do transcranial ultrasound Cameron (N/A): Not in this episode Foreman (1): Idea to treat patient in morgue
Initial Symptoms: Pregnant woman with altered mental status + loss of coordination Diagnosis: Lung cancer (House) + paraneoplastic syndrome (House)
Contributions by Team House (2): Diagnosis for paraneoplastic syndrome, diagnosis for lung cancer Chase (1): Suggests autoimmune problem Cameron (N/A): Not in this episode Foreman (0): None
Initial Symptoms: Man with nausea + headache + mental confusion Diagnosis: Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID) from seizure medication (House) + Epstein-Barr virus (House)
Contributions by Team House (5): Realizes that first AIDS test was a false positive, idea to test for hairy cell leukemia by looking for viruses, realizes that patient had childhood epilepsy, diagnosis for CVID, diagnosis for Epstein-Barr virus Chase (1): Suggests immunoglobulin deficiency Cameron (1): Suggests idiopathic T-cell deficiency Foreman (0): None
Notes: Wilson diagnoses the patient's toxoplasmosis, which contributes to the CVID diagnosis.
Initial Symptoms: Girl with heart attack Diagnosis: Cushing's Disease (House)
Contributions by Team House (1): Diagnosis for Cushing's disease Chase (1): Suggests that obesity is a symptom Cameron (0): None Foreman (0): None
Notes: House's suspicion that the patient used diet pills proved correct, but he doesn't receive credit for it because it proved irrelevant to her condition.
Initial Symptoms: Man in intermittent coma Diagnosis: Hepatitis C (House) + estrogen supplements (House) + ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTD) (House)
Contributions by Team House (4): Diagnosis for hepatitis C, idea to use pig's liver for treatment, diagnosis for OTD, diagnosis for estrogen supplements Chase (0): None Cameron (0): None Foreman (1): Suggests metabolic problem
Initial Symptoms: Woman with leg pain + paralysis Diagnosis: Bulimia (House) + congestive heart failure (House) from ipecac poisoning (House)
Contributions by Team House (3): Diagnosis for bulimia, diagnosis for congestive heart failure, diagnosis for ipecac poisoning Chase (0): None Cameron (0): None Foreman (0): None
Notes: Chase messed up an angiogram on the patient's leg while checking for blood clots. The problem in the end was muscle damage from ipecac poisoning, so under the criteria I use it usually wouldn't count because the diagnosis wasn't related to a blood clot. In this case I am calling it an error because 1) House caught it after the fact without Chase realizing his mistake, meaning that if the patient did have a blood clot Chase wouldn't have found it; 2) it was regarded as a serious error by the other characters, while errors in treatments are usually glossed over.
Initial Symptoms: Boy with fever + respiratory problems + rash Diagnosis: Anthrax (House) + leprosy (House)
Contributions by Team House (3): Diagnosis for anthrax, realizes that patient's father was in Asia thus exposing patient to Asian diseases, diagnosis for leprosy Chase (1): Biopsies skin lesions to rule out autoimmune disease Cameron (0): None Foreman (0): None
Initial Symptoms: Man with osteopenia (thinning of bones) Diagnosis: Cadmium poisoning (House) from marijuana (Chase)
Contributions by Team House (2): Realizes illness is environmental because the wife has it too, diagnosis for cadmium poisoning Chase (1): Diagnosed source of cadmium Cameron (0): None Foreman (1): Suggests metal toxicity from environment
Notes: From the scene it appears that House was the first to realize the patient had cadmium poisoning and was leading the Housepets to the same diagnosis, so House was awarded the diagnosis even though Chase said the actual words. Chase received credit for realizing where the cadmium exposure had come from. Wilson diagnosed the digitalis overdose, which would have been considered a symptom otherwise. House made an error in administering Lupron to treat steroids after the patient had tested negative for steroids, causing respiratory system damage.
Initial Symptoms: Boy with hemolytic anemia Diagnosis: Naphthalene poisoning from termite nests (House)
Contributions by Team House (2): Idea to autopsy cat, diagnosis for naphthalene toxicity Chase (1): Idea for procedure to remove clot from eye Cameron (0): None Foreman (0): None
Initial Symptoms: Woman with arm twitch + seizures Diagnosis: Abdominal tuberculoma (House) + insulin overdose (Foreman) + rabies (House)
Contributions by Team House (4): Idea to ID patient from surgical pin, diagnosis for tuberculoma, realized patient was tasered by cop, diagnosis for rabies Chase (1): Suggested ice bath to treat fever Cameron (0): None Foreman (1): Diagnosis for insulin overdose
Notes: Foreman gets an error for initially refusing to treat the patient. Putting the patient in an ice bath doesn't seem particularly exceptional to me, but no other character suggested it so it counts as a creative treatment. House gets credit for realizing why the patient collapsed in the park because otherwise it would have been considered a symptom.
Initial Symptoms: Man with paralysis + pneumonia Diagnosis: Stroke (Cameron) + arteriovenous malformation (AVM) (House)
Contributions by Team House (2): Insisted patient didn't have Lou Gehrig's disease, diagnosis for AVM Chase (0): None Cameron (1): Diagnosis for stroke Foreman (1): Idea for embolectomy to treat blood clot
Notes: The AVM was found on the MRI, without House knowing it would be there. He was the one who ordered the team to redo the MRI, however, so he gets credit for it.
Initial Symptoms: Boy with severe bradycardia + nausea Diagnosis: Organophosphate poisoning (Cameron) from stolen pants (House)
Contributions by Team House (2): Suggests pesticide was organophosphate, idea that poison came from pants Chase (0): None Cameron (1): Diagnosis for pesticide poisoning Foreman (1): Idea to use experimental Army treatment
Notes: A second boy succumbed to the same illness later in the episode. The focus of this episode was finding where the patients had been exposed to the pesticide, not diagnosing the poisoning.
Initial Symptoms: Woman sleeping 18 hours a day Diagnosis: African sleeping sickness transmitted by sex (House)
Contributions by Team House (2): Diagnosis for African trypanosomiasis, realizes that illness was sexually transmitted Chase (1): Suggests a parasite Cameron (0): None Foreman (0): None
Initial Symptoms: Woman with schizophrenia diagnosis + blood clot Diagnosis: Wilson's disease (Cameron) + liver cancer (Chase) + vitamin K deficiency (House)
Contributions by Team House (3): Diagnosis for Vitamin K deficiency, idea to shrink tumor for surgery, realizes original schizophrenia diagnosis is wrong Chase (1): Diagnosis for liver cancer Cameron (1): Diagnosis for Wilson's disease Foreman (0): None
Notes: If Chase hadn't ultrasounded the patient's liver to look for cirrhosis, the liver cancer wouldn't have been found. Chase therefore gets credit for the diagnosis even though he didn't expect to find cancer; he was the one who suspected a liver problem.
Initial Symptoms: Woman with skin rash + reaction to epinephrine Diagnoses: Allergy to copper IUD (Cameron) + tea/epinephrine interaction (House) + herpetic encephalitis (Foreman)
Contributions by Team House (2): Diagnosis for tea/epinephrine interaction, idea to do full body scan for diagnosis Chase (1): Tells House to talk to Mother Superior to learn more about patient Cameron (2): Diagnosis for systemic allergy, idea to put patient in clean room to diagnose her Foreman (1): Diagnosis for herpetic encephalitis
Notes: The herpetic encephalitis diagnosis got lost in the middle of the episode somewhere. Telling House to talk to a patient's supervisor isn't much of a contribution, but without it House probably wouldn't have diagnosed the tea/epinephrine interaction.
Initial Symptoms: Two newborns with fevers Diagnosis: Epidemic (House) caused by Enterovirus infection (Foreman) spread by a hospital volunteer
Contributions by Team House (5): Diagnosis for the epidemic, idea to give different antibiotics to different babies, recognizes illness is viral, idea to test mothers too, tracks down source of virus Chase (1): Suggests a virus Cameron (1): Idea to let parents hold baby (part of patient treatment) Foreman (1): Diagnosis for Enterovirus because he was the first to suggest it
Notes: The number of babies that fell sick wasn't very clear, but twice it's said that there were four confirmed cases. Cameron received an error for failing to tell the parents that their baby had died. It's not part of the diagnostic process, it's true, but it is part of treating patients.
Initial Symptoms: Boy with rash + cough + low blood pressure Diagnosis: Cold (House) + wrongly prescribed colchicine (House)
Contributions by Team House (4): Realizes patient has two conditions at once, diagnosis for gout medication, diagnosis for cough, tracks down gout medication to find out how patient was given it Chase (0): None Cameron (0): None Foreman (0): None
Notes: Foreman screwed up a heart catherization for a surgery the patient ended up not needing. This was counted as an error because although the procedure was irrelevant to the final diagnosis, it was a lapse in patient care.
Initial Symptoms: Boy with double vision + night terrors Diagnosis: Subacute sclerosis panencephalitis (House)
Contributions by Team House (2): Spots blockage on MRI, diagnosis for measles virus in brain Chase (0): None Cameron (0): None Foreman (2): Tests CSF, idea to biopsy retina to confirm diagnosis
Notes: It wasn't clear which Housepet had the idea to test the patient's spinal fluid, but it wasn't House's. I'm saying it was Foreman because he was the one to tell House that they did it. House doesn't get credit for deducing that the parents were lying about their son's parentage because the lie wasn't relevant to getting the diagnosis. House would dispute this, but the parents did not give him false information. He didn't ask them about his mother's vaccination history.
Initial Symptoms: Woman with seizures + inability to speak Diagnosis: Tapeworm in the brain (House)
Contributions by Team House (2): Diagnosis for tapeworm, idea to use x-ray on leg instead of brain Chase (1): Idea to use x-ray for diagnosis Cameron (1): Recognizes allergic reaction to MRI dye Foreman (1): Catches Wilson's lie about his "cousin" that lead to revelation that patient ate ham
Notes: Chase contributed a creative diagnostic method and Cameron knowledge about allergies. Foreman's contribution isn't much compared to that, but House wouldn't have made the diagnosis without it so it counts.
Hello! I'm a simple fan who became interested in the professional dynamics of House's team. I'm not a fan of any particular Housepet, as I call them, so my reviews are as unbiased as I could make them. This was a surprisingly subjective task, however, so feel free to politely disagree with me.
Quotations, etc. Copyright Heel & Toe Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, et al.
Pictures from the show copyright Fox Broadcasting Corporation Questions, Comments (remember we are not related to the show):