Friday, December 09, 2005

There's a STORM out there!

Fortuitously, after the East Coast of the US just suffered through two bouts of storms, GH happens to have one on the show.

Jason is under the knife with Dr. Buttmunch being watched over by his father, Dr. Noah Drake and the Littlest Doctor Ever. (They are even having Buttmunch make really snarky comments to her about her size and age. Too funny.)

Due to the snow storm outside, however, the power keeps going on and off.

The back up generator kicks in but.........the eeeeeeeeeeevil Manny Ruiz is lurking and goes downstairs to slam that thing into next week.

The doctors are reduced to operating on Jason via flashlight.


Stop me right here before I try to sue a fictional television show.

I think I'm getting a hernia.

But, because I love you people, I shall continue unabated.

Just run with it.


Jason keeps slipping in and out of consciousness.

Oops, gotta run.


I'll finish this up tonight.



Back now. Had to go see Tom Stoppard's "Hapgood".....great play.

So, where were we?

Ah, yes.

Jason is drifting in and out of consciousness because a) they can't monitor the amount of anesthetic he's getting and b) Young Doctor Buttmunch needs him to for some reason.

To see if his framistats are firing or something.


We get some dreamy Jason-Images but for the most part they are filler. The "girls" are fidgeting outside the surgery theatre.

Everyone is worried.

MEANwhile, back at the ranch, the Eeeeeeevil Manny Ruiz is lurking around causing trouble.

Lastly, stupid "Um"ily freezes when Courtney leaves GreySkull to go home and, honest to God, a tree falls on her. A TREE, people.

Courtney gets a HUGE gross cut on her leg and faints. One-armed Nikolas must help her while "Um"ily stares at the snow out of the window while nervously chewing her nails.


I'm not kidding.

Get that child out of medical school, like, yesterday.

What a waste of space.


Auditrix said...

Jason is drifting in and out of consciousness because a) they can't monitor the amount of anesthetic he's getting

Huh? Don't they have any anesthetists on staff? They'd better get one of those new-fangled bispectra monitors before they get themselves sued.

9:07 AM  
Cap said...

Honest to God.

Not only is the snow storm causing electricity problems in this uber-state-of-the-art Hospital but there is only one back up generator. That happens to be the one that the Evil Manny took an ax to.

Now Jason's surgeons have no way of monitoring his anesthetic whosywhatsit.

1. They've never heard of battery power? Idjits. This hospital is so gonna get sued.

2. Post 9/11/01, I find it hard to believe that a guy with tattoos covering fully 3/4 of his body would go unrecognized. "Sekrit Hospital Scrubs Desguise" or not. Need I even mention the absurity of the frelling hatchet ????

Yeah, great security, doods.

9:23 AM  

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