Wednesday, November 23, 2005

221B Baker Street is Hiring Gay Irregulars

How cool is it that House's ever-morphing apartment is now at 221B?

Way cool.

That's how cool it is.


No GH references in tonight's episode but I do have a "thing" for Steve McQueen so that was irrelevant but neato.

I have read articles in which Laurie mentions his interest in Steve McQueen so I'm starting (not really, I've had this impression for a while) to wonder just how much creative control Laurie has over House.

McQueen references.

The motorcycle.

The clothes.


As for today's GH. Well. We had to listen to Emily whinge about "I'm not worthy" to be a doctor. And ya know what? She's not. She's quite right. I'll give her credit where it's due.

She should stop "going to medical school" (which she obviously is doing via hologram) right now.

Here's an example of why she'll be the worst. doctor. ever.

Her cousin, Dillon, played by the freakin' incredible Scott Clifton, is in a fender bender and has a little bit of blood on his forehead from hitting the steering wheel.

"Um"ily (how, exactly, did you win that Emmy and Hugh Laurie DIDN'T?) freaks the frell out and acts like she has no idea what a BandAid is.



Glad I don't have to pay her malpractice premiums.

Ya know? Selling shoes for a living IS an option.

So is acting school. There are several. Well known and popular. May I recommend Julliard or RADA?


ANYway, Jason is still freaking out on the gurney and Sam (love her with the passion of a thousand flaming supernovae) is trying to convince herself that Jason needs to continue the protocol.

She wants to save him but is torn about the violence of his (unconscious) reaction to the drugs.

Bless her heart.

In a just bloody fantastic scene of Jason (shackled in the bed), Sam by his side, and Little Doctor Robin at the foot.....Jason and Robin just lock eyes and nod.

Not a word is spoken.

The Exposition Fairy doesn't come along and sprinkle Magic Exposition Dust.

They just let the audience understand that Jason wants to continue the medication and Robin agrees.

It was a thing of beauty.

And, so, chickadees, Robin exits stage right and tells a nurse to get his medication ready.

In other news, Jax is a dick. And a tremendous yawn. To quote the inimitable David Byrne, "Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was."

Lastly, because it can't be said enough, 221B being House's address in tonight's episode rocks on and I love the show, House, more and more.

Seriously, though. Hugh? Er, Mr. Laurie? Throttle back the Cuteness-Jets or my heart won't be able to take it.


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