Sunday, December 18, 2005

Arrested SQUEAL Development

So, I got home after watching the football game with Best Friend and Husband of Best Friend.

Poured myself a little brown drink and sat down to bask in the glow.

Tucked my Arrested Development S2 Disc 3 in the machine and curled up on the sofa.

Next thing I know I'm squealing like a stuck pig.

There is a kind of amusing brother-in-law in this series who is a hopeful but failed actor.

During one little bit of exposition we see that he's had vanity plates made up for every part he thought he'd get.

Without fail he gets his hopes up and then either doesn't get the part or is immediately fired.

Vanity Plates in order:

INM8 2 for the role of "inmate #2"

BLUMN for the bit he had as a back up for the extra in the Blue Man Group

CONMN2 for playing "conman #2"



Too frelling funny.

That, along with today's events, made my entire weekend.


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