Blogs & Answers ::  Cameron's Issues
     Does this team of writers have particular trouble making Cameron consistent?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So the Spiral Begins

For those that watched last nights Season Premiere, I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did. Although, it does seem that Wilson is a bigger pain in the butt than I remember. Could it be that the writers are showing us how House would really see him when he's not drugged up. But more to the point, let's examine Cameron and House.

As I predicted, Cameron showed that she's needy and can't be with anyone that's not ailing in some fashion. I was rather disappointed by this turn of events, I expected so much more from her and from House. I have a feeling that I am going to have to suffer through another season where the writers skirt around their relationship. Although, Cameron seems to have grown a backbone over the summer, discovering that sometimes you have to say no. Although, I loved the fact that Chase was more than willing to step in and get it done.

My next question, did the writers ask for Cameron's look to change or is this wardrobes fault? I mean she always looked professional, but last night we saw her in some capries with open-toed sandals. No doctor is going to wear that to the hospital. I mean please, put the woman in some attractive but reasonable shoes. Also, what's with the capries, who wants their doctor walking in looking like a model? I want her to be strong first and sexy in a realistic fashion, is that so much to ask?

Consistency people please. Give Cameron back her old wardrobe but let her keep her improved attitude. House will be attracted to her more when she's willing to yell back at him.


WolfWrtr said...

I actually don't agree with the assessment that Cameron has shown that she won't be with anyone who isn't ailing. I believe the reason she turned House down was twofold. First, he's hurt her in the past and I'm sure she's not just going to jump right back in simply because he's asking for a date. Second, she's reeling from his incredibly different personality, and isn't ready to commit to anything when she doesn't even know how to react to him at the moment. I honestly don't think that it had to do with his being "healthy." In fact, she was quick to point out that he is nowhere near healthy.

2:21 PM  

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